
At present Tirunelveli Corporation is maintaining 735 kms length of roads in the following categories.

1. B.T. Road - 455.170 km

2. C.C. Road - 168.883 km

3. WBM Roads - 44.291 km

4. Earthen Roads - 60.906 km

5. Others - 5.750 km

Total 735.000 km

Apart from the above, 82.30 km length of National and State Highways roads passing through the Corporation area.

Ongoing Schemes

I. Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Roads Development Project-2005

Under this scheme Tirunelveli Corporation has been sanctioned Rs. 25 crores for taking up road works in the following funding pattern.

1. State Government Grant - 6 crores

2. TNUDF Loan - 11 crores

3. Corporation contribution - 8 crores

Total 25 crores

Total no. of works taken up - 329

Length of Roads covered - 234 Km.

1. No. of B.T. Roads - 279 nos.

Estimate cost - Rs. 22.32 crores

2. No. of C.C Roads - 50 nos.

Estimate cost - Rs. 2.84 crores

Total Estimate cost - 25.16 crores

So far completed works - 125 nos.

Works under progress - 104 nos.

Re-tender called for on 6.7.06 - 100 nos.

So far expenditure incurred - Rs. 741 lakhs


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