The population of Tirunelveli as per 2001 census is 4,11,831. The present population is around 425000. As per the norms i.e. 110 Lpcd of water to be provided per head in the Corporation limit. Hence the requirement of water is 46.75 MLD per day.

At present the following 8 water supply Head Works are in Tirunelveli Corporation area through which 40.23 MLD of water is distributed daily and 94.65 lpcd of water is distributed per head. For this purpose there are 48 OHTs have been constructed in the required places.

Head Works

1. Tirunelveli Kondanagaram

2. Kurukkuththurai

3. Melapalayam kondanagaram

4. Manappadaiveedu (Old)

5. Manappadaiveedu (New)

6. Thirumalai kozhundupuram

7. Theepatchiamman koil

8. Suthamalli

No. of House Service Connections is 49,734 out of which 48122 are residential and 1612 are both commercial and industrial.

The water is supplied daily morning and evening in the existing Town areas and alternate days in the extension areas. The extension areas which are not covered with protected water supply are being given water supply through Lorries.

At present 80% of the total area is covered with protected water supply.

Though there are Eight Water Supply Schemes exist, most of the schemes were designed and constructed before the constitution of the Corporation so that there is no link between the above eight head works, resulting in in-equitable water supply. Hence a proposal has been submitted to the Commissioner of Municipal Administration to appoint Consultant under Project Preparation Fund for preparation of proposal for the equitable distribution of water supply to all area of Tirunelveli Corporation at an estimate cost of Rs. 2 crores.


in the details:80% of the total area is covered, need more

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