Tirunelveli Corporation is the administrative Head Quarters of Tirunelveli and located on the banks of River Thamiraparani. The Population of this corporation as per 1991 Census is 3.69 lakhs and the present population is about 4.25 lakhs. In order to avoid pollution to Thamiraparani River, the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forest, NRCD, New Delhi has accorded administrative approval for Rs. 5200.90 Lakhs and the following funding pattern has also been recommended.
Sl. No | Funding Agency | Percentage | Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) |
1. | Ministry of Environment & Forest, (Government of India share) | 37.50 | 1950.34 |
2. | State Government Share | 12.50 | 650.11 |
3. | Local body share | 41.67 | 2167.22 |
4. | Public Contribution | 8.33 | 433.23 |
| Total |
| 5200.90 |
According to the topography, the corporation is divided into four zones with four pumping stations including one zone where existing sewerage system is available. The sewage collected in various pumping stations including existing will be pumped and collected in the sewage Treatment Plant to capacity 24.2 MLD (intermediate stage) proposed to be constructed at an extent of 65 Acres near Ramayanpatti at about 5.5 Km from Town towards Sankarankoil Road. The sewage collected will be treated in the proposed waste stagilisation ponds and the effluent will be used for afforestation.
Sl. No | Description of Works | Target | Achievement (As on 25.10.2004) |
1. | Sewer Line – stone ware pipes | 191.00 K.M | 130.33 KM |
2. | Sewer Line – R.C.C. Pipes | 15.600 KM | 13.87 KM |
| Total | 206.00 KM | 144.20 KM |
3. | Pumping Main – P.S.C Pipes | 11.966 KM | 8.64 KM |
4. | Manholes | 9020 Nos. | 6449 Nos. |
5. | House Service Connections | 31000 Nos. | 11806 Nos. |
6. | Sewage Treatment Plant (24.2 MLD) – 1 Nos. | 100 % | 72 % |
7. | Pumping Stations – 4 Nos. | 100 % | 40 % |
1) Tirunelveli Corporation area - 108.65 Sq. km.
2) No. of Zones - Four
3) Variation in ground level contour ranges from - 55 m to 34m
4) Present population - 425000
Intermediate stage (2018) - 650000
Ultimate Stage (2033) - 800000
5) Present per capita supply of water - 90 Ipcd
6) Sewerage Contribution - 72 Ipcd
7) Sewage flow
a) Intermediate stage (2018) - 31.96 mld
b) Ultimate stage (2033) - 38.55 mld
8) Sewer system 206.604 KM
Length of Sewers :
Zone I (Tirunelveli Town & Pettai) - 29.982 km
Zone II (Santhi Nagar, Samathanapuram, - 59.224 km
Zone III (Thiyagaraja Nagar, NGO – A,B,C 105.353 km
Zone IV (Tirunelveli Junction, C.N. Village, - 12.045 km
RCC Pipes 15.605km
S.W. Pipes 190.999 km
Total 209.604 km
9) Pumping Stations and pumpsets
Pumping Station – 3 Pumping Station – 2
(Melapalayam) (Vannarapettai)
Submersible Submersible
90 lps X 21m – 2 Nos. 200 lps X 17m – 2 Nos.
180 lps X 21m – 1 No 400 lps X 17 m – 1 No.
Pumping Station – 4 Pumping Station – 1
(Balabaghyanagar – Thatchanallur) (Nainarkulam – existing
Submersible Centrifugal
280 lps X 30 m -3nos. 175 lps X 35 m – 2 nos.
10) Pumping main :
PS III to PS II – 600 mm PSC pipe 4900 m
PS II to PS IV – 750 mm PSC pipe 1846 m
PS IV to STP - 100mm PSC Pipe 5220 m
Total 11966 M
11. Pre-treatment process.
Sl.No | Type of Pre-treatment | Zone – I | Zone – II | Zone – III | Zone - IV | ||||
| Size | No.of Units | Size | No.of Units | Size | No.of Units | Size | No.of Units |
1. | Screen Well | Dia - 2.82m | 1 | 3.8 m X 1.6 m | 1 | 3.6m X 2m | 1 | 3.4m X 1.3m | 1 |
| Depth-2.47m (Addl) | Depth 1.50 M | Depth 5.05 M | Depth – 7.31M | |||||
2. | Grit Well | Dia - 6.25m | 1 | Dia 5.75m | 2 | Dia – 5.00m | 2 | Dia – 2.5m | 2 |
| Depth – 7.12m | Depth-3.35m | Depth 6.90m | Depth 8.92m | |||||
3. | Wet Well | - | - | Dia – 8.00m | 1 | Dia – 5.00m | 1 | Dia-8.00m | 1 |
| - | - | Depth 7.55m | Depth-9.65m | Depth-12.79m | ||||
4. |